วันเสาร์ที่ 4 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2563

Teacher Collaboration as a Mediator for Strategic Leadership and Teaching Quality

Teacher Collaboration as a Mediator for Strategic Leadership and Teaching Quality

Ismail, Siti Noor; Kanesan, Abdul Ghani; Muhammad, Fazleen
International Journal of Instruction, v11 n4 p485-498 Oct 2018


Resource : ERIC

The objective of the present study was to determine whether teacher collaboration is a mediator of the strategic leadership and teaching quality in schools. This study involved 300 teachers in the high prestige secondary schools in Kelantan, Malaysia, whereby a cross-sectional survey approach using a standard questionnaire was used. The strategic leadership instrument used has been adapted from Hairuddin Ali (2012), while the collaborative instrument has been adapted from Barkema and Moran (2013). In addition, to measure the teaching quality among teachers, the researcher adapted the questionnaire that has been developed by Shahril Marzuki (2005). The findings from multiple regression analysis show that teacher collaboration is a mediator of strategic leadership and teaching quality (B=0.14, p<0.05). It was recommended among others that the school leaders should continue to strengthen collaborative practices among teachers as an effort to improve teaching quality in their respective schools which in turn will help to improve school excellence, especially across the current era of globalization.



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